This is the time for Reconcili-Action

Courageously participate in culture change through authentic action.

Many of us don’t know how to channel our passion for change, and can become disempowered or overwhelmed when we meet resistance. Sometimes one difficult conversation is all it takes to shut down and shy away. How do we build our confidence to be allies and agents of change?

In Reconcili-Action we explore what respectful action through inclusive allyship looks like for you, which inspires bottom up change. This training focuses on mapping your circles of influence, identifying your superpower, and utilising your good intention for authentic action. This training is great for any person, or organisation, who wants to be part of creating a more inclusive, tolerant and positive world for all people, and have fun along the way!

Training Outcomes:

  • Deeper understanding of reconciliation, allyship and Country

  • Customised action plan leveraging your unique super powers and circles of influence

  • Personal responsibility and empowered to take courageous action

We can deliver Reconcili-Action online, in-person or with hybrid audiences. Over the past few years we’ve navigated a variety of different set-ups to achieve maximum connection within the group. Look forward to discussing and designing for your needs!